The Bulletin is a periodical publication of the Friends of the UCSC Arboretum & Botanic Garden. On-line versions on this page date back to 2009. Print copies dating back to the beginning are available for viewing at the Garden's Jean and Bill Lane Horticultural Library.
You can learn more about the benefits of joining the Friends by visiting our Friends and Supporters page.
2020 Bulletins
2019 Bulletins
2018 Bulletins
11/20/18 - Welcome Board Members, Staff Updates, Plant Inventory Database, Climate Change and Future Gardens, Q&A: Aloe vs. Agave, New Memberships, Norrie's Holiday Open House|Bulletin of the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden
08/16/18 - Helen Englesberg Says Goodbye!, Martin Grantham Says Hello!, The Arboretum’s Plant Conservation Efforts, Plant Q: Are Sage and Salvia the Same? A: Yes… and No!| Bulletin of the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden
04/02/18 - Spring Plant Sale, Volunteer Enrichment Series, FOREST (for a thousand years...), Future Garden Exhibition Opening, National Public Gardens Day| Bulletin of the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden
01/18/2018 - Hummingbird Day, Spring Plant Sale, Volunteer Enrichment Series, Ray Collett Lecture Series, Giving Day, Monthly Nature Craft Workshops | Bulletin of the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden
Bulletin Archives
09/08/2017 - ArbBQ, Fall Plant Sale, Wreath & Gift Sale, Norrie's Open House, Ray Collett Lecture Series | Bulletin of the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden
05/11/2017 - Art in the Arboretum: Environmental Installations, Spring Appeal, Friends of the Arboretum Board seeks new members | Bulletin of the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum
02/16/2017 - Hummingbird Day, Giving Day, Art in the Arboretum continues | Bulletin of the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum
03/02/2016 - Hummingbirds, Warriors , ROAM!| Bulletin Express Mar 2016 | UC Santa Cruz Arboretum
02/09/2016 - A fragrant paradise, Signs for Spring, Living museum| Bulletin Express Feb 2016 | UC Santa Cruz Arboretum
01/08/2016 - What will you accomplish in 2016? | Bulletin Express Jan 2016 | UC Santa Cruz Arboretum
12/04/2015 - Succulent Workshop, Bee Condo, Gift Guide|Bulletin Express December 2015 | UC Santa Cruz Arboretum
11/05/2015 - Gift&Wreath Sale, Blooming Puya! Thank you Lorna Clark!|Bulletin Express November 2015 | UC Santa Cruz Arboretum
10/07/2015 - Fall Plant Sale, New Signs, Banksias |Bulletin Express October 2015 | UC Santa Cruz Arboretum
08/09/2015 - Come Celebrate! |Bulletin Express Aug, 2015 | UC Santa Cruz Arboretum
07/03/2015 - Monarchs and more! |Bulletin Express July, 2015
05/06/2015 - RSVP for Nature Walk, Celebrate Mother's Day
04/15/2015 - Spring Plant Sale this weekend at the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum!

Browse other Garden publications and references.
View the Jean and Bill Lane Library on-line catalogue.
- Stephan McCabe: At the Fall Plant Sale: More Monkeys and New Succulents for California Gardens
- Jessica Fiske-Bailey: The Future Looks Green
- Save the Date: Annual Fall Plant Sale
- Calendar of Events
- Christine Jennifer: In the Nursery: Grounded in Baby Plant Love
- In Memorium: Rosemary Raphael
- Letter from Brett Hall: Muses on Collections and Conservation
- In Gratitude: Arboretum Donors & Members
- The Australians Are Coming
- Save the Date: Spring Plant Sale
- Tips on Surviving the Drought
- Arboretum Contributes to Science
- Jennifer Macotto
- Bill Grant
- Native Bee Sign
- Interpretive Signage and Faculty Vignettes
- From the Director, Thoughts on droughts: past, present and future
- Remembering Jane McHenry
- Art in the Arboretum
- Taking Strides to Thrive
- The Australian Rock Garden
- Science Council Update
- Jessica Fiske Bailey
- Volunteer Training and Orientation Classes
- A Letter from Todd (Newberry)
- From the Director, Super Charged Typhoons, Biodiversity Conservation, Education and Highlights
- Wildfires Rip Through Arboretum Research Sites in the Sierra and in the Santa Monica Mountains: What the Arboretum Can Do
- “The Arboretum Changed My Life”
- news & notes:
- Fire Near the Arboretum Doused Quickly
- Solar energy research conducted by UCSC professor and NASA
- Arboretum Will Collect Entrance Fees Every Day
- $300,000 available in matching funds, if we raise that much by June 2014
- Fall Plant Sale Saturday, October 12th
- From the Director, Remembering Ray and his wonderful collections
- Sparrow Research Project: 10 years old and growing
- Relearning Garden: a collaboration with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band
- news & notes:
- Pop Up Museum
- Planned Giving: ensuring the future of the Arboretum
- Sponsor a Rare Plant
- Ba-Ba-Banksia, song by Melinda Kralj
- Spring Plant Sale, April 20
- From the Director
- Tale of Two Collections (Conifers & Succulents
- A letter celebrating the Arobretum's conifer collection
- news & notes:
- Preview of the Spring Plant Sale, April 20, 2013
- The Associates are now Friends: Annual Meeting
- Memorial Bench for Emily Clark
- Gift and Wreath Sale a Success
- Student Intern Apprenticeships Increase
- Planned Giving: Ensuring the Arboretum's Future
- Sponsor a Rare Plant
- Haworthias and Other Window Plants for the Winter
- From the Director
- California Naturalist Program Begins April 7!
(Extensive course description and schedule) - Ray Collett, 1932 – 2012, Brett Hall
- news & notes:
- Spring Plant Sale, April 21, 2012, Helen Englesberg
- Front Gate and Two Errant Drivers
- Arboretum FUN(d) Raiser, March 20, 2012
- Dried Flower and Succulent Wreath Sale, Stephen McCabe
- Volunteer Training Classes, Thursdays starting Jan. 12, 2012, Stephen McCabe
- From the director—California Naturalist Program, Brett Hall
- President's Corner, Mike Gerhold
- From Surviving to Thriving
- Conservation, Horticulture, Education, and Research
- news & notes, Stephen McCabe
- Plants
- New on the website
- Robert Grim 1914-2011
- Development notes: gift possibilities and estate planning
- News: Arboretum matching funds
- Donors for labels
- Thanks: plant sale and Flowers & Music of the World, May 29, 2011
- Plant Sale, including forty free plants, Oct. 8, 2011 Stephen McCabe
- Another Reason to Plant Drought Tolerant Plants: You Will Reduce your Carbon Emissions – Arboretum Wins Carbon Fund Grant Stephen McCabe
- From the director, Brett Hall
- news & notes
- Long-Term Funding Success, new Langenheim Endowment supports teaching and research at UCSC Arboretum, Tim Stephens
- New Green Endowment supports students at UCSC Arboretum, Stephen McCabe & Tim Stephens
- Short-term Funding is Down, Katie Cordes Laid Off
- 5th Plant Research Symposium Promotes Sharing of Research Results, Stephen McCabe
- News: Arboretum Matching Funds
- Our Legacy Society
- Eucalyptus Grove: New Labels and the Next Era, Melinda Kralj
- From the director, Brett Hall
- Conservation Collections to Conservation Gardens
- Book Review: A Californian’s Guide to the Trees Among Us. Author, Matt Ritter. Heyday Books
- Heraclitus, Fire and FREMONTIA
- Ray Collett’s Rare Violets
- Darwinia Heaven in the Australian Rock Garden
- Endangered Brazilian Species Flowers Beautifully 18 Years After It Arrives, Brett Hall
- Native Plant “Week” April 10-24 & Plant Sale April 16, Stephen McCabe
- From the director, Brett Hall
- California Native Plant Week
- Celebrating Rare Manzanitas
- Gifts for Labels
- Ray Collett’s Rare Violets
- Darwinia Heaven in the Australian Rock Garden
- news & notes
- Bring your Membership Card
- Hummingbird Days a Smashing Success
- Volunteers Log Over 10,000 Hours in 2010! - Stephen McCabe
- 5th Plant Research Symposium Promotes Sharing of Research Results - Stephen McCabe
- Frans Lanting Photography Classes Help Raise Funds for Arboretum
- Endowments for the Future
- The UCSC Arboretum Worsleya procera Blossoms, Chris Willmers
- Pruning tips, briefly
- Dried Flower and Succulent Wreath Sale, Stephen McCabe
- Maritime Chaparral Lecture
- Volunteer Training Classes Set,Helen Englesberg
- Book Review: Jean Langenheim's Autobiography Stephen McCabe
- New Board Voted In
- Arboretum Staff and Students Successfully Propagate Manzanita that is on the Brink of Extinction, Stephen McCabe
- Ways to Give, Stephen McCabe
- Anonymous Donors Lead the Way, Stephen McCabe
- Brett Hall, Stephen McCabe
- Fall Plant Sale, Helen Englesberg
- Gardening Marathon
- Library Donation Expands Eucalyptus Book Collection, Mary Ann Leer
- Australian Books for Sale at Norrie's, Mary Ann Leer
- Director’s Notes From the Garden: Moving Forward..., Brett Hall
- Claudia Stevens, Arboretum and Amah Mutsun Receive Grant, Stephen McCabe
- An Arboretum “Walk in the Garden” Quilt
- In Memoriam: Bill Lane Stephen McCabe
- Gardening Marathon & Spring Campaign, Stephen McCabe
- Largest Volunteer Class Ever
- New Student Group to Form to Help Arboretum,Stephen McCabe
- Spring Plant Sale, Helen Englesberg
- Growing Australian Mints, Stephen McCabe
- Traditional Wisdom for Modern Restoration of a California Native Grassland, Rick Flores
- Edna’s Echindna, Stephen McCabe
- Arboretum Hosts Several Hundred People During Hummingbird Days
- Volume 9 Encyclopaedia of Australian Plants Now Available.
- Taxonomy Trail
- Amphibian Watch
- Butterfly Monitoring
- Bird Research
- Habitat Restoration Partnerships
- Goal for Matching Funds for Student Workers Met and Another Challenge Set
- Rallying for the Arboretum, Stephen McCabe and Brett Hall
- Arboretum Accomplishments
- Employees Laid Off
- Volunteer Training Classes Begin
- Coast Wood Mint—Stachys chamissonis Benth. Lamiaceae, Brett Hall
- The Chinquapin, Helen Englesberg
- Norrie's Celebrates 15 Years, Kathy Cairns
- A letter from John Laird, recognizing the Arboretum
- News & Notes:
- Ron Aruda retires
- New growing contract for natives
- Norrie's tea
- Admission fee update
- Edna Vollmer remembered
- Two nurseries join discount program: Gold Rush Nursery, NewGarden Nursery
- Introducing Marelana Gustafson
- Calendar of Events at the Arboretum
- Santa Cruz Mountain Violets, Ray Collet
- News & Notes:
- Australian Fires
- Jean Beevers'In Memoriam
- Australian Rock Garden, W. Australian Painting
- Slosson Endowment Award
- Hummingbird Day
- Laguna Lagoons Restoration
- First Hand Academic Experiences, Sara Reid
- 2009 Members & Donors
- New Pachyphytum & Echeveria hybrids available soon, Stephen McCabe
- Academic Partnerships, Stephen McCabe
- Buck-Eye Butter-Fly, Edna Vollmer
- News & Notes:
- Fall plant sale
- Pacific Hort. subscription discount
- Cal. Parks awards contract to Arboretum
- Arboretum broadens relationships with CNPS
- Yidumduma Bill Harvey visits
- Bio 20b student tours
- Fond farewell to Dick Dunn
- Dried flower/succulent wreath sale
- Cooleys Establish Curator Apprenticeship Challenge Fund
- Book review, Intro. to Fire in California / Living with Fire
- Fall Plant Sale
- Arboretum, Non-Profit of the Year, 2008
- News & Notes:
- Admission fee tubes report
- Arboretum awarded grant
- Australia plants and SODS
- Sara Reid, new hire
- Cal. Parks restoration project
- Curator event in Eucalyptus Grove
- First Hand Academic Experiences, Sara Reid
- Book review, Cacti, Agaves, and Yuccas of Calif. & Nevada